Five Females

Pam’s Pictorama Photo Post: Sometimes a photo just socks me right in the eye and I have to buy it. Admittedly this happens most often when the pictures have cats, but sometimes a non-cat photo hits me just as hard and this was one. It wandered into my Instagram feed where @baileighfaucz.h announced a sudden photo sale.

Baileigh has brought us some wonderful photo here on Pictorama before. (Some of those posts can be found here and here.) So I always settle in for a good peruse when I see a sale. Collection.

A makeshift photo studio seems to have been set up and these ladies pose in front of a sheet. The fact that we see beyond the edge in the upper right actually improves the composition by drawing our eye up I think. The light coming from the left side creates a shadow on that side, almost like another person and depth under them. The light plays on the folds of the pressed cotton dresses they sport, as well as the folds on the sheet behind them. Collection.

I had a post back in March of 2021 which can be found here and featured a clutch of photos from the same period, taken outside and more casual – but all of women lined up. What was it about photos of the time and lining folks up?

At first glance I thought maybe the four women in white were in uniforms, but a careful look at the tops of their outfit show that each is noticeably different. The woman out in front, far left of the viewer, has a bib that made me think apron at first, but at a closer look is likely the fashion of her top. All the white skirts are very similar, but aside from the one bib, there are different collars (high neck with a pin; dark side bow and a mannish tie) which are all quite distinct. Collection.

Of course the woman in black (or very dark dress) stands out. At first I thought she was older than the rest, but closer examination reveals that she is not. Is it black and is she in mourning perhaps?

Despite the similarity created by their dresses and hair dressed in the style of the time, under greater scrutiny they do not look to be related. Black dress and the woman behind her have the most serious expressions, although only the woman in the middle attempts a true smile.

Our gal in front steals the show however – she was clearly born with an attitude the camera loves. Hands on hips, she sports a saucy look at us, all the way forward to this century. She doesn’t quite smile, but she is the one you come away remembering.

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