Love’s Old Sweet Song

Pam’s Pictorama Post: Perhaps some of you wonder what kind of valentine I give Kim considering the very special one he produces for me annually. Since clearly there is no competing with that and love is a two way street here at Deitch Studio, I usually purchase a card and perhaps a specific token of my affection. This year I ran across this great vintage valentine a few weeks before the holiday and had time to secure it to give to Kim.

Of course it was the singing (yowling) kitty on a fence post that caught my attention, but it really is a nifty little item. This cat trilling on a fence is very close to the cover of a piece of popular sheet music simply called Meow which currently decorates my new office, while another copy hangs next to my kitchen door here at home. Shown below, I have written about it and my collection of cat related sheet music previously. A few of those many posts can be found here and here. Collection.

This miniature sheet music card has heart shaped notes emerging from kitty’s mouth, who has a perfectly curled tail and a few stars and moon thrown around for decoration. It boasts Words by – N Webster and Music by – HY Pitched, while at the bottom the credit goes to Ima Gossip – Publishers – Inc. Anytown, U.S.A.

The inside has music (maybe someone who reads music can tell me if the notes are nonsense or not) and the heart shaped musical notes continue within. Beee Myyyy Valentine-ine-ine-ine! You are reminded to intone Romantically at the top. At the bottom it declares, Note* Practice until you know it by heart! It was sent by Ruth Abrams although alas, we know not who to. It was printed on a sheet of paper and folded into quarters, rather than printed as a card. There is no publisher or printer’s information on it.

Inside of the card. Nice!

There is in fact a real song of this title. First published in 1884 it was composed by James Lynam Molloy and lyricist Graham Clifton Bingham. It was introduced that year by Antoinette Sterling at the St. James Hall in London.

Because the chorus starts with Just a song at twilight it is evidently frequently identified that way. It is evidently known for being referred to in James Joyce’s Ullysses where Molly Bloom sings it. Arthur Sullivan (he of Gilbert and Sullivan) was accused of using the first two bars for When a merry maiden marries in The Gondoliers, which he denied.

The lyrics are below:

Once in the dear dead days beyond recall,
When on the world the mists began to fall,
Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng
Low to our hearts Love sang an old sweet song;
And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,
Softly it wove itself into our dream.

Just a song a twilight, when the lights are low,
And the flick’ring shadows softly come and go,
Tho’ the heart be weary, sad the day and long,
Still to us at twilight comes Love’s old song,
comes Love’s old sweet song.

Even today we hear Love’s song of yore,
Deep in our hearts it dwells forevermore.
Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way,
Still we can hear it at the close of day.
So till the end, when life’s dim shadows fall,
Love will be found the sweetest song of all.

Just a song a twilight, when the lights are low,
And the flick’ring shadows softly come and go,
Tho’ the heart be weary, sad the day and long,
Still to us at twilight comes Love’s old song,
comes Love’s old sweet song.

There are numerous recordings and I am sharing two very different ones here. (For future readers apologies – these links are available at the time of writing although may not be in the future!) The first is by John McCormack, recorded in 1927. He is a favorite of Kim’s and we listened to this version this morning.

The other is from Bing Crosby’s radio show and it is a very different arrangement. Also note that Bing says it was written in 1882, not ’84 which is Wikipedia’s thought on the subject as above.

This is a super little card and I intend to frame it up for display – where Deitch Studio and the Pictorama archive align! I see a small spot above Kim’s desk, right at eye level where he can be reminded of my affection daily.